Why wooden toys make the best playthings

Why wooden toys make the best playthings

Is there such a thing as a perfect toy for your little one? If so, wooden toys would have to be it. They are safe, healthy, and inspiring for children, along with being durable. In addition, a simple, beautifully-crafted wooden toy can capture a child’s interest without overwhelming them and inspire their imagination without directing it. But why do they make the best plaything?

Here are just some of the reasons why wooden toys make the best playthings.


They help children focus

Research has proven that playing and learning environments featuring natural elements like wood help children concentrate, focus, and even calm down more than other types of spaces. More specifically, touching wood physically calms children down, which means playing with wooden toys can have a neurological impact on a child’s brain. A 2017 National Institutes of Health study concluded that “contact with wood induces physiological relaxation.” Other toys can cause overstimulation having the complete opposite effect.


More uses = Fewer toys

I’m sure you have heard the saying less is more before. When it comes to children’s toys, this is evidently true, as babies and toddlers can get overwhelmed when given too many options.

A 2018 study discovered that children naturally form closer bonds with their playthings and therefore take their play to a new deeper level when they are given fewer options to choose from. Wooden toys are perfect as they are unrestricted by a particular use, so children can create their own ways of playing. Ultimately spending more time with a single toy.

 Wooden stacker as a bike

Promotes creative play

As discussed above, wooden toys don’t have a single restricted use. This allows children to use their imagination, promoting creative play. Because wooden toys tend to be simpler, they also help children to learn cause and effect. A wooden toy like our rainbow stacker or wooden balls allows children to understand the concept of when I do this; this happens as a result.


They introduce children to maths and physics

Our famous rainbow stacker requires hand-eye coordination and fine motor precision to stack and balance. There are no magnets or anything keeping the stack together; therefore, children must focus on coordinating their eyes and hands to balance and build the different elements. This introduces them to maths and physics concepts.


They last

Wooden toys may not be indestructible, but they are much more durable than their plastic counterparts. Wood is also a safe material which is super important for babies and toddlers as they are sure to put their toys in their mouths.


They are beautiful

Whether aesthetics are high on your consideration list or not, you can’t deny that wooden toys are much more visually appealing. The Montessori philosophy holds physical beauty in high regard. It explains that toys should be attractive but not overly bright to promote a calm learning environment. Wooden toys are a natural fit for Montessori play spaces as they are often stackable, easy to clean up, and attractive to display.

Wooden stacker
Here are some wooden toys that your little one will love.







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